The Blue Flag program is run by The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), an independent non-profit international organization. The National Blue Flag operator for Malta is Nature Trust (Malta) NTM. The Blue Flag works towards sustainable development at beaches/marinas through strict criteria dealing with water quality, environmental education and information, environmental management, and safety and other services.

In Gozo, there are three beaches that qualify for the Blue Flag status. These are: Ramla Bay, Hondoq ir-Rummien Bay, and Marsalforn Bay. The EcoGozo Directorate oversees the beach management program of the Blue Flag beaches.
This includes:
- Providing information and organising environmental education activities for beach users;
- Ensure that the beaches comply fully with the water quality standards and requirements;
- Provide adequate amenities, access, and cleaning regime and an adequate number of lifeguards and/or lifesaving equipment must be available at the beach.